Residenzen Absolvent*innen Einzelkünstler*innen: BiP (Feb 2022)

Date of the jury meeting: 15 February 2022

Projects funded: 5

In this research project I explored the digital body aesthetics in video games. Having witnessed the exponential evolution of cyberspace while growing up, I aimed to explore the culture and history of video games, as well as the different aesthetics. With this background, I then researched and played around with different movements to find a way to make the body 2D in our physical world.

The project will work on two separate fronts: on the one hand, through the notes of colonial technocrats, to find clues as to what made the colonial landscape what it was. On the other hand, through fieldwork, the project will interview immigrants from the former colonies about their homeland. This will be used to develop a comparative text and become the basis for a scriptwriting project.

Gaming? Seriously? untersucht Serious Games aus einer performativen Perspektive, um die eigene künstlerische Praxis zu erweitern und nähert sich der Frage, inwiefern das Themenfeld psychischer Erkrankungen hier für ein Publikum ab 10 Jahren künstlerisch verhandelt und bearbeitet werden kann.

Rahel Crawford Barra erforscht durch eine Verquickung familiärer Erinnerungspraktiken, europäischen Imaginationen und romantischen Schreckensgeschichten des American Dream, die Verhandlung von Individualität oder Kollektivität von Klasse. Wie kann ein Begriff der Klassenverhältnisse aktualisiert werden und können durch Erinnerungen Möglichkeitsformen für Kritik und Veränderung gefunden werden?

'Listening to the Archives' focuses on the investigation of the uncategorised collections of the Ethnological Museum in Berlin, with a special emphasis on tracing and re-imagining Dalit history through the found materials. The goal is to use the archival material to further generate and build on a body of art that uses the archive as a basis for speculative imaginations for resistance practices.