Help for completing the online application

Table of contents

Name of the project (Projekttitel)

Please give your project a title. You can mark the title with (AT) if it is a working title. You can adjust it after you receive an acceptance and in consultation with the Fonds.

Screen capture of the "Project title" field to be filled in the application database.

Applicant (Antragsteller*in)

Artistic project manager authorized to sign

(Zeichnungsberechtigte*r künstlerisch Projektverantwortliche*r)

Please enter your name in the fields “First Name” (Vorname) and “Last Name” (Nachname) and choose a greeting.

Since we will process the corresponding contracts under this name, we ask you to enter in this field your name, as it appears on your identity card/passport. You are welcome to enter your artistic name, if it is different to the first one, in another field of the application such as in the field “Information of the Actor” (Informationen zu dem*r Akteur*in) and/or “Brief description of your project intended for publication” (Zur Veröffentlichung gedachte Kurzbeschreibung Ihres Vorhabens).

Screenshot of the fields to be filled in "Greeting/form of address", "Title/name additions", "First name" and "Last name" in the application database

Accessibility (Barrierefreiheit)

If there is a specific need to provide assistance with accessibility, please let us know, specifying in the corresponding fields which channels are preferred to communicate. It is also possible to ask for specific file formats to access information in case you need

Screen shot of the fields to be filled in the application database. These include: Self-disclosure, selection of preferred communication method, required file formats.

Postal address/contact (Postadresse/Kontakt)

A. Please enter your address

Please note that this address will be used in case of a funding confirmation, e.g. for preparing the contract. Therefore, please check the address again carefully before sending the application.

Screenshot of the fields to be filled in the application database: address suffix, street/house number, postal code, city/town, federal state, telephone, e-mail, homepage, input field for the e-mail confirmation code

Important: Street and house number (Straße/Hausnummer) are one field!

B. Please enter your e-mail address, which you regularly check.

The Fonds communicates via e-mail, i.e. to communicate the results of the jury and to send all relevant information related to a possible commitment.

Therefore, you need to confirm the e-mail address with a code. Enter your e-mail address and then click "Request confirmation code by e-mail" (Bestätigungscode per e-mail anfordern). Make sure that you have entered your correct e-mail address. Shortly you will receive the confirmation code to the e-mail address you entered. Enter it in the field.

Important: The verification of the code takes place only when submitting the application. So you do not need to click after another button.

C) Information of the actor and remarkable productions of the last years (Informationen zu dem*r Akteur*in sowie bemerkenswerte Produktionen der letzten Jahre)

This field is used to get a quick overview about you, your artistic work and your most important productions of the last years. Therefore, only 1200 characters are available. Please focus here on the most important information.

For a more detailed presentation of yourself and your previous artistic activities, please use the 2-page PDF document to be attached to the application form below in “Ausführliche Vorstellung der Person und der bisherigen künstlerischen Tätigkeit”.

Screenshot of the field to be filled in "Information on the performer and notable productions" in the application database.

D) Description of your project (Beschreibung Ihres Vorhabens)

This field is used to provide a brief insight into your project. Especially the first sentence of the description should describe and summarize your project well.

This text is a particularly important field for a quick reminder not only for the Jury, but also while funding for the Fonds' employees. Therefore, be precise in the description of your project and use the detailed project description (up to 3 pages), which is attached further down in the application form (Beschreibung Recherchevorhaben), for further information and influences of your project.

Screenshot of the field to be filled in "Description of your project" in the application database.

E) Brief description of your project intended for publication (Zur Veröffentlichung gedachte Kurzbeschreibung Ihres Vorhabens)

Please enter a text announcing your project here. The Fonds will use this text for the website, among other things, in the event of a positive funding decision.

Screenshot of the field to be filled in "Brief description of your project intended for publication" in the application database.

F) Time frame of the project (Zeitraum der Recheche)

Please select the three consecutive months in which you want to implement your research project (e.g. December 23, January 24, February 24). The research funding requested here can only be applied for one of the periods specified here in the drop-down menu.

Screenshot of the field with drop-down selection

Funded interstate / transnational productions from the last years (Geförderte, Bundeslandübergreifende / Transnationale Produktionen aus den letzten Jahren)

Decide here, for an option through which you would like to prove your artistic work in the last years (2019-2023).


1. 3 publicly funded productions, each of which has been shown or produced in more than one state (interstate).


2. 3 publicly funded productions, up to 2 of which were produced or shown transnationally and up to 2 of which were produced or shown in more than one state.

For each of the three productions mentioned here, you must provide evidence of your participation under "Evidence of public funding/interstate or transnational productions" (Nachweise öffentliche Mittel/bundesländerübergreifende oder transnationale Produktionen) under "Necessary materials" (Notwendige Materialen).

Screenshot from the application database. First of all, a selection has to be made: Are the productions transnational or transnational. Subsequently, 3 examples are to be mentioned.
  • Productions supported with public funding (Mit öffentlichen Mitteln geförderten Produktionen): All the above productions - regardless of the option chosen - must have received funding from German municipalities (deutschen Kommunen), states (Ländern) or the federal government (Bundesland), either in cash or cashless means.
  • Interstate productions (Bundeslandübergreifende Produktionen): The productions must each have been shown and/or produced in more than one state. "Interstate productions" means that a production was financed by public funds from (at least two) different states or that at least one co-production partner from another state was demonstrably financially involved.
  • Transnational productions (Transnationale Produktionen): The productions must have been shown and/or produced in Germany and at least one other country.
  • The corresponding productions must have been demonstrably completed, e.g. in the form of a premiere. A funding approval for the year 2023 is not sufficient as proof.

Please be sure to use the following suggested scheme to entry the information.

Example for publicly funded interstate production (mit öffentlichen Mitteln geförderte, bundesländerübergreifende Produktion):

2022 / Name of the Project / Forum Freies Theater Düsseldorf (NRW); Kampnagel, (Hamburg), / Fonds Darstellende Künste 2020/TAX/XXX; Behörde für Kultur und Medien Hamburg.

Example for publicly funded transnational production (mit öffentlichen Mitteln geförderte, transnationale Produktion):

2021 / Name of the Project / Studio Trafique Köln (NRW); Konzerthaus Liebfrauen (Sachsen-Anhalt); Theater Basel (Schweiz) / KDFS-Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Sachsen; Kulturförderung des Kantons Basel-Landschaft.

Cost and financing plan (Kosten- und Finanzierungsplan)

These fields are already pre-filled for you. For the research funding, the funding is intended exclusively for the applicant's personnel costs (its Remuneration) and the sum of € 7,500 for 3 months is predefined.

Screenshot of the already pre-filled fields "Expenses" and "Revenues" in the application database

Necessary materials (Notwendige Materialen)

Detailed presentation of the person and the previous artistic activity (Ausführliche Vorstellung der Person und der bisherigen künstlerischen Tätigkeit)

Introduce yourself and your artistic work in detail in this document in PDF format. Please note that not all members of the jury may be familiar with your artistic work. So please give a good insight into your artistic work and thematic focus - please do not write in the form of a tabular resume or in bullet points, but in formulated texts.

Screenshot of the upload option "detailed presentation of the person and the previous artistic activity" in the application database


1. Especially if your file contains images, the exported PDF can become quite large. Please consider that you cannot upload files larger than 5MB. Check this carefully before uploading!

2. Please take the limit of 2 pages seriously. Longer files will only be passed on to the jury shortened!

Description of your research project (Beschreibung Recherchevorhaben)

Please present your research project in detail. Here you have the opportunity to point out certain focal points, special features, etc. and go into more detail.

Screenshot of the upload option "Description of your research project" in the appliaction database


1. Especially if your file contains images, the exported PDF can become quite large. Please consider that you cannot upload files larger than 5MB. Check this carefully before uploading!

2. Please take the limit of 3 pages seriously. Longer files will only be passed on to the jury shortened!

Evidence of public funding/ interstate or transnational productions (Nachweis öffentliche Mittel/ bundesländerübergreifende oder transnationale Produktionen)

Please provide evidence of all three publicly funded, interstate / transnational productions listed above. Summarize the evidence of the 3 productions here in a PDF file, where the division is understandable.

Screenshot of the upload option for proof of public funding/interstate or transnational productions in the application database.

Option 1: 3 publicly funded interstate productions (mit öffentlichen Mitteln geförderte bundesländerübergreifende Produktionen)

If you selected the 1st option "publicly funded, interstate productions" above, please attach the evidence of the three specified productions in a PDF file here. Be sure to provide evidence of the following 3 essential criteria for each of the 3 productions:

  1. Publicly funded: As proof, submit e.g. 1. a funding commitment from a funding institution operating with public funding for the production or, 2. if you were not the funding recipient yourself, a fee contract for the production showing your artistic responsibility or significant artistic participation. In this second case, also provide information, e.g. in the form of a program flyer, program booklet scans or screenshots of the event, about which funding institutions provided funds for the realization of the production.
  2. Artistic responsibility or significant artistic participation: Make sure that the evidence shows which role you performed in each of the productions.
  3. Produced/shown in more than one state: To prove this aspect, submit for each of the mentioned productions e.g. at least one signed guest performance contract, a program flyer or a screenshot showing that the respective production was shown or produced in more than one state. Alternatively, a guest performance invoice, including a bank statement proving payment, can be attached. The reference to the production must be visible.

Option 2: 3 publicly funded interstate / transnational productions (mit öffentlichen Mitteln geförderte, bundesländerübergreifende / transnationale Produktionen)

If you have selected the 2nd option "publicly funded, interstate or transnational productions" above, please attach the evidence of the three specified productions as one PDF file here. The following constellations are possible:

1. Three publicly funded productions, of which two productions were shown and/or produced in more than one state and the third production was shown and/or produced in additionally another country than Germany.


2. Three productions funded with public funding, of which one production was shown and/or produced in more than one federal state and the other two productions were shown and/or produced in additionally another country than Germany.

Depending on the constellation you choose, make sure that the productions meet the essential criteria that apply to them correspondingly:

  1. Publicly funded: See Option 1.
  2. Artistic responsibility or significant artistic participation: See Option 1.
  3. Produced/shown in more than one state: See Option 1.
  4. Produced/shown transnational: To prove this aspect, submit at least one signed guest performance contract, a program flyer or a screenshot for each of the productions mentioned, for example, showing that the respective production was produced or shown in Germany and abroad.

Internet links for self-presentation (Internet-Links zur Selbstdarstellung)

Use these fields to provide up to three URLs to (visual) impressions of previous works, such as trailers, recordings or audio files.

Feel free to use these fields to strengthen your participation in the productions mentioned in the previous points.

The field User account (Nutzerkonto) and Password (Passwort) are available, in case you would like to share, for example non-public videos on Vimeo or YouTube. In these cases, provide the necessary information to enable the Jury to access it. As a rule, a password is sufficient. On some platforms, a username must also be entered. If the video or similar is publicly available, you can leave these fields blank.

Screenshot of the fields to be filled in "URL", "Title/Description", "User account" and "Password" for up to three links in the application database

Declarations (Erklärungen)

Please confirm with check marks the two statements that will allow the Fonds to proceed with your application.

  1. I agree that the Fonds may store my personal and project-related data electronically on the application database and forward this processed data to the Board of Trustees. The data will not be passed on to other third parties.
  2. I certify that the information I have provided is complete and true. I am aware of the conditions of the application. I accept them.
Screenshot of the fields to be clicked in the application database: consent to the processing of personal data and correctness of the information given

Date and signature (Datum und Unterschrift)

In the date field (Datum), please enter the date you are submitting the application.

In the Signature field (Unterschriften), please type your name. Uploading a digital signature is neither possible nor necessary.

Screenshot of the "Date" and "Signatures" fields to be filled in the application database

Submit (Abschicken) / Save as draft (Als Entwurf speichern)

Submit (Abschicken)

The button "Submit" (Abschicken) sends the application to the Fonds. If you click on this button by mistake, another page will follow asking if you really want to send the application. If you confirm this, you can download a PDF of your application. This PDF will serve as confirmation of receipt. An e-mail confirmation will not be sent! You can also download this PDF again later in the login area on the homepage of the Fonds.

Screenshot of the input fields "send" and "save as draft" in the application database


You can also click the "Submit" button while filling out the application form. The database will then show you which mandatory fields have not yet been filled in by you or whether there are any errors, e.g. In the calculation of the financing in the application form (see example image on the right).

Screenshot of possible error messages in the application database

Save as a draft (Als Entwurf speichern)

You can interrupt the processing of your application at any time. Please then click the "Save as draft" (Als Entwurf speichern) button so that your work status is saved for later continuation.

We recommend to not wait until the deadline to submit the application so that we can assist you with any problems during our office hours. Applications that are not submitted by the deadline cannot be considered.