Allianzen einer nachhaltigen Kunstpraxis

Kollektiv nachhaltige Kultur

We can stick to our roles, but we can also step out, linking, weaving, perhaps recycling, cherishing, hacking....

KnK's artist lab focused on strategies of artistic practice that subvert traditional dichotomies such as city-countryside or artist-audience through new, sustainable figuration.

In a first step, KnK used its own material to identify central themes and strategies. One insight: It takes time! For a relationship-oriented and sustainable art practice in rural areas, in ‘rurban’ habitats, it was and is essential to engage in ongoing dialogues with the respective population about what is needed in the region and what to connect with in a meaningful way. The discussions with other artists and scientists, including those from other artist labs, emphasized how central the open-ended and long-term funding from NEUSTART KULTUR was and is for successfully engaging with the various social and political contexts.

Interviews with allies/audiences and participation in the "City Climate meets Creative Coding" festival organized by the City Science Lab in Hamburg accompanied the evaluation. They underpinned the necessity of making artistic working methods part of current change processes. A workshop at the B.A.L.L. conformed the initial assumption: Sustainable art practice takes time!

You can find more detailed documentation of the lab behind the following keywords, which invite you to browse.


Adrienne Goehler, Fabian Larsson, Anne Schneider, Franziska Pierwoss, Dr. Anke Strauß, Lukasz Chrobok, Iris Minich, Arild Baud, Eleonora Herder, Micha Kranixfeld, Dr. Anja Steglich, Prof. Dr. Katja Arzt, Prof. Christin Lahr, Barbara Hoidn, Sarah Waterfeld, Simon Salem Müller, Jörn Hermann, Jos Porath, Cia Hussinger, Kasia Wojcik, Jan-Philipp Possmann, Dr. Hilke Berger, Angela Pritzkow, Sandra Bringer & Carola Lehmann