Colloquium of the Fonds - 2017
Colloquium on the nationwide funding structure and opportunities for networking
After introductory remarks on the considerations of the funding structures by professor Wolfgang Schneider, the importance of coordinated deadlines for funding emerged as the central theme of the discussion round, including the urgent need for change. With its four application deadlines per year, the Fonds Darstellende Künste enables more flexible access to complementary funding at the federal level and, through the new funding dynamics, opens up the possibility of increasingly questioning fixed structures.
The minimum fee level as an essential component of artistic work and the possibilities of structural funding – such as long-term ensemble funding – were additional important topics during the colloquium; they were discussed in detail and constructively.
By choosing to hold the colloquium in Hamburg, the Fonds Darstellende Künste also wanted to offer the participants the opportunity for practical engagement with the performing arts after the content-related, theoretical discussion, and subsequently organized a joint visit to the international theater festival "Theater der Welt", which took place in Hamburg from May 25 - June 11, 2017.