Video still on the animated event trailer. Detail of the Altmarktpassage in Dresden. In front of it, colorful silhouettes of people riding bicycles. In dark letters "Dresden 28.08." and logos of HELLERAU, Sociataetstheater, Zentralwerk and Zirkus Theater Festival. © Roman Hagenbrock

28. August 2024 | HELLERAU, Societaetstheater, Zentralwerk e.V., Zirkustheater Festival

Under the motto COME TOGETHER, the finale will join forces with the Europäisches Zentrum der Künste HELLERAU, the circus theater festival of the Societaetstheater and Zentralwerk e.V. to invite everyone to a big celebration of art on Dresden‘s Altmarkt. Between a choir activating the public space with Tanja Krone and the bicycle acrobats of the French company La Bande à Tyrex, we celebrate community and cohesion (of Die Vielen/the many) in the run-up to the upcoming elections.


10 a.m. - 9 p.m.

Unser wunderschönes Sachsen (Our beautiful Saxony)

Interactive bike tours by specialist company rita grechen

There he pedals: the post-modern man. With mirrored sunglasses and helmet camera, he whizzes along the road and speaks his own documentary film text. "Our beautiful Saxony" are three bike tours that take you from Dresden's Altmarkt to Saxony's funfairs. The public can either ride along live or join in with pizza from Calzone Revoluzione and a cool drink via the livestreaming video portal twitch, cheer on their team and comment on the action. The aesthetics of the traditional TV home documentary overlap with the aesthetics of the real-life stream. Along the way, the bike tours explore the relationship between home, longing, accessibility, technology and idyll.

This is only interrupted by the spectacular performances on the Altmarkt - or when reaching the place of longing, the Funkloch.

from 3 p.m.

Truck Time

Truck Time is an active and activating chill-out time and place of constant discussion about THE ART OF STAYING MANY: Come by, inform yourselves and us, exchange ideas – about fears, questions, wishes about contemporary history. On our journey through nine venues, the truck will give you an open ear and connect the experiences, places and reports via analog CHAT. And if you want to do something concrete, you can build DIY wind turbines with us – to measure together how and where the political wind is blowing. In Dresden, the truck will also become the control center of " Unser wunderschönes Sachsen."

  • Venue: Altmarkt
5 p.m. – 6:20 p.m.


LA BANDE À TYREX is a swirling ballet of bicycles and music. It rolls, it stacks, it accelerates, it slides – a joyful, unrestrained and musical throng. LA BANDE À TYREX rolls from one bicycle to another, transforming into a myriad of forms, balances and imbalances. A unique collective creation with breathtaking acrobatics and an intoxicating atmosphere. A rapture, an uproar.

  • Venue: Altmarkt
7 p.m. -7:50 p.m.

Open rehearsal of the Zentralwerk Choir

Direction: Marieluise Herrmann and Jakoba Schönbrodt-Rühl

Anyone who wants to explore breath, voice and body together and try out vocal improvisations and movement experiments in addition to singing songs from different cultures can join the Zentralwerk Choir. With or without previous experience, solo or tutti – the important thing is that we listen to each other!

  • Venue: Altmarkt
8 p.m. -9 p.m.

ANNAMEDEA and her Meckerchor

Meckerchor by anna stiede and Susann Neuenfeldt, a cooperation with Panzerkreuzer Rotkäppchen | Choir: Tanja Krone, Tommy Neuwirth, Anica Happich, Maren Barnikow, Anna Barth, and many more.

East German grumbling and complaining is an expression of opinion and a subversive practice of seeking trust that originated in GDR times. What wishes and dreams are hidden in today's rants? The performance artist anna stiede, who comes from Thuringia, has developed the citizen ANNAMEDEA together with the director Susann Neuenfeldt. Now, in the face of the upcoming state elections, ANNAMEDEA works and journeys through the East with a growing, life-affirming choir of complainers, open to all those who need to moan. An invitation to a collective, sensual and powerful act of grumbling. Next stop: Dresden!

  • Venue: Altmarkt

Further information, registration and accessibility

Information on registration and accessibility will follow soon. A link to the live stream "Unser wunderschönes Sachsen" will be announced closer to the event.