2016 George Tabori Prize

Award Winners, Jurors and Program Participants of the Tabori Award Ceremony 2016
On May 29, 2016, the Fonds Darstellende Künste awarded the George Tabori Prize for the 7th time. Once again, it honored two artistic expressions of particular brilliance with the most distinguished national award for ensembles and artists from the independent theater scene.
The Award Winners
The jury of experts awarded the main prize, endowed with €20,000, to the Hamburg-based dance company Antje Pfundtner in Gesellschaft, whose choreographer Antje Pfundtner, according to the jury's statement, "has distinguished herself for many years as one of the outstanding dance personalities of the Republic through the continuously high quality of her dance theater productions". The laudatory speech was given by dance expert Madeline Ritter.
Transforming the theater space into a "safe and at the same time light and cheerful framework within which various options for action and roles can be playfully tried out and renegotiated together with others" – for this "genuinely new position in local children's theater" the jury honored the Bonn performance group pulk fiktion with the €10,000 incentive award. The laudatory speech was given by Prof. Wolfgang Schneider, Director of the Institut für Kulturpolitik at the University of Hildesheim.
The Award Ceremony
The event was rounded off with a welcoming by Berlin's State Secretary for Cultural Affairs Tim Renner and a keynote speech by artist Veit Sprenger, of the performance collective Showcase Beat Le Mot, on the development of independent theater culture from the 1980s to the present. Artistically, the evening was enriched by a solo performance by dancer Ahmed Soura from the production "Hauptrolle" by choreographer Christoph Winkler. The musical framework of the evening was provided by the Berlin band il Civetto with its special mixture of Balkan music, folk, swing and oriental sounds.
2016 Award Jury
Sabine Gehm
Cultural scientist, festival director TANZ Bremen, dramaturg, curator | Bremen/Berlin
© Heidi Scherm
Sabine Gehm
Cultural scientist, festival director TANZ Bremen, dramaturg, curator | Bremen/BerlinSabine Gehm is artistic director of the international festival TANZ Bremen and in the management team of the Tanzpakt project 'MV tanzt an'.
From 2006 to 2016, together with Katharina von Wilcke, she directed the first four editions of the international dance congress of the German Federal Cultural Foundation (Berlin 2006, Hamburg 2009, Düsseldorf 2013, Hannover 2016).
A graduate in cultural studies, she was program dramaturg and director of various festivals (including Junge Hunde, Independance Days, Tanzplattform Deutschland 2000) at Kampnagel Hamburg from 1994 to 2001 and coordinated, among other things, the international performing arts network 'Junge Hunde', which she co-founded, from 2001 to 2005.
Before that, she worked as an organization manager at the International Summer Theater Festival Hamburg.
As a freelance curator and cultural manager, she conceived and was responsible for international exchange projects, think tanks, laboratories and academies for KSB, BFDK, DTD, among others. She is on the board of the Dachverband Tanz Deutschland and was chair of the board of trustees at the Fonds Darstellende Künste from 2015 to 2020, for which she led the decision-making processes in 2020 (including publication of the handout on jury procedures). She is active as a reviewer and member of various juries of nationwide and international programs and works as a mentor in an advisory capacity for various artists and projects.
Wolfgang Kaup-Wellfonder
Association of German Puppet Theaters, former board member of the Fonds
© wodo.de
Wolfgang Kaup-Wellfonder
Association of German Puppet Theaters, former board member of the FondsWolfgang Kaup-Wellfonder, January 1983 Founded the puppet theater "Wodo Puppenspiel" with Dorothee Wellfonder. Since August 1, 1984 self-employed as a puppeteer. 1988 to 1991 Managing Director of the Association of "Verband Deutscher Puppentheater" (VDP). 1996 to 2003 member of the board of trustees of the Fonds Darstellende Künste. 2005 elected to the board of the Fonds Darstellende Künste. 1997 to 2013 seat on the Council of the Performing Arts and Dance in the German Cultural Council for the VDP.
Ilka Schmalbauch
Lawyer (Deutscher Bühnenverein)
© privat
Ilka Schmalbauch
Lawyer (Deutscher Bühnenverein)Lawyer and Head of Legal/International Affairs of the German Stage Association. Studied law, German language and literature, and history at the University of Regensburg and the University of Cologne. Managing Director of the Council for Performing Arts and Dance of the German Cultural Council, representative of the Council for Performing Arts and Dance in the expert committees Labor and Social Affairs and Europe of the German Cultural Council. Member of the Committee for European Social Policy of the Confederation of German Employers' Associations. Deputy member of the executive committee of the employers' association PEARLE* - Live Performance Europe, representing the German Stage Association and PEARLE* in the Social Dialogue of the European Union. Co-author of the loose-leaf collection "Stage and Orchestra Law". Member of the Board of Trustees of the Dance Foundation - Transition Center Germany. Ilka Schmalbauch was a member of the Fonds' Executive Board for many years. She did not stand for re-election in 2023, but continues to advise the Executive Board and management on personnel and legal issues.
Matthias Schulze-Kraft
Artistic director LICHTHOF Theater
© G2 Baraniak
Matthias Schulze-Kraft
Artistic director LICHTHOF TheaterMatthias Schulze-Kraft is the artistic director of the LICHTHOF Theater, a venue and production center for independent theater in Hamburg. A director by training, he has been working in the theater in a wide variety of functions and production contexts since 1986. Stations included the Ulmer Theater, the Pocket Opera Company Nuremberg, the Schauspiel Frankfurt and various independent productions. Since 2006 the LICHTHOF Theater Hamburg, from 2008 as artistic director. After further education studies as "Culture and Education Manager" (HWP Hamburg) and various other further education (Change Manager, Management Trainer, Business Coach, Quality Manager), he developed his second professional pillar as a lecturer, consultant and coach since 2000, primarily in the qualification of managers and in organizational consulting. Since 2019, he has been a member of the board of the Bundesverband Freier Darstellender Künste (BFDK). From 2014 to 2019 he was chairman of the board of trustees of the Fonds Darstellende Künste, he was a jury member of, among others, the "Theaterpreis des Bundes" (2019), the "Reload" program of the Kulturstiftung des Bundes (2020) and the Körber Studio Junge Regie (2021).
Katrin Tiedemann
Artistic director and managing director of the FFT (Forum Freies Theater) Düsseldorf
© Florian Krauß
Katrin Tiedemann
Artistic director and managing director of the FFT (Forum Freies Theater) Düsseldorf