Logo Downloads
whose projects are approved by the Fonds Darstellende Künste undertake to refer to the support provided by the Fonds Darstellende Künste in all events and publications of the funded project by using the Fund logo as well as the logo of the superordinate federal agency and/or the corresponding funding line.
This applies to online announcements (digital playbills, announcements, etc.) as well as to print media and is also to be communicated to the corresponding venues for their publications.
Use of the logo
Only the logo in the color schemes and none of its predecessor versions may be used. Please note that the logo must not be distorted, disproportionately scaled or changed in its color scheme. If the background is dark, the logo must be placed on a white background. The Fond's logo must be placed in line with other funding bodies in accordance with the amount of its contribution.
If you have received funding from one of the Fonds special programs, please use the logo of the corresponding special program.
If follow-up projects emerge from the project supported by the Fund and are related to it, e.g. in the case of research funding, or if a funded artistic work achieves special visibility, e.g. in the context of nominations and award ceremonies, festival invitations, etc. For example, in the case of resumption funding, the fund also asks for the logo to be reproduced in the respective context.
Use of the Funding Line
In general, all funding from the Fonds Darstellende Künste must include the following funding line: "Supported by Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media".
Deviations for individual funding programs (e.g. in the GLOBAL VILLAGE KIDS program) are possible, please refer to the relevant information in the funding agreement.
If not indicated separately, please download the general logo package "Funding for the Performing Arts" for further use in the funding process.
Otherwise, individual logo downloads are available for individual funding programs - marked below.
(File format: .eps, .jpg, .png)