B.A.L.L. - Bundesweites Artist Labor der Labore
October 14 + 15, 2022, Haus der Berliner Festspiele
With the B.A.L.L. – Bundesweites Artist Labor der Labore, the Fonds Darstellende Künste initiated an open and performative dialogue format and enabled a nationwide 360-degree view of the independently producing arts. The two-day event at the Haus der Berliner Festspiele focused on the present and future of the independent performing arts from the perspective of the artists. What are the concerns of the independent performing arts during and after the crises? How have working methods changed, what meaningful changes are still to come? What changes in content and aesthetics can be noted and foreseen? Will consequences in relation to the public be mapped?
Introductory lectures, hands-on workshops, in-depth talks on the streaming stage, heated debates in thematic working groups, collective zine-making, and urban experimentation in public spaces all addressed a wide range of issues – from aspects of sustainability, ecology and digitality, intersectional considerations of diversity to new forms of networking and collaboration. For a deeper dive, you can read the detailed program as well as the welcoming address by the Minister of State for Culture and Media Claudia Roth, Member of the Bundestag.
On Demand: B.A.L.L. - Bundesweites Artist Labor der Labore
The event at the Haus der Berliner Festpsiele was extensively documented. We have video recordings of the program contributions, photos from the event, articles and reports by the cultural journalists Sebastian Köthe and Elisabeth Wellershaus as well as podcasts by Anna-Lena Wenzel and Julia Bonn for you to listen, watch and read.
Dr. Sibylle Peters opened the two-day event with her keynote speech "The Right to Research". This and many other contributions from the stage of the Berliner Festspiele are available to watch here.
© Dorothea Tuch
The cultural journalists Sebastian Köthe and Elisabeth Wellershaus report on the Bundesweite Artist Labs and on B.A.L.L. itself in articles and reports.
Anna Lena Wenzel and Julia Bonn have recorded their impressions and conversations during their visit to the "B.A.L.L. - Bundesweites Artist Labor der Labore" in two podcasts – you can listen to them here:
To read: Articles on the B.A.L.L.
© Dorothea Tuch
In Search of Connectedness
How have aesthetic perspectives and production structures shifted since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic? How are artists in the independent scene reacting to a time of overlapping crises? Answers and many new questions came together at the performing arts’ B.A.L.L., the Bundesweites Artist Labor der Labore.
© Dorothea Tuch
It's so good to see you
Vera Klocke visited the "B.A.L.L. - Bundesweites Artist Labor der Labore" at the Haus der Berliner Festspiele and summarized her impressions about two days full of moments of coming together and exchange.
© Dorothea Tuch
Redistribution of labor – the theater and its allies
A look back at the work of the Bundesweiten Artist Labs and the program of the B.A.L.L. - Bundesweites Artist Labor der Labore – and at an event in which the diversity of the independent scene flashed in all corners and niches from the Haus der Berliner Festspiele.
Around 30 artist labs in the Labor der Labore
The 30 Bundesweiten Artist Labs were also presented in the performative exhibition set-up. Between June and August 2022, artists and creative professionals from all over Germany entered into an exchange on self-selected topics in the fields of artistic production, aesthetics and audience generation. Their questions and conversations formed the framework and starting point of the event.
A deeper insight into the still growing online archive of the documentation of the Bundesweite Artist Labs can be found here:
An event of the Fonds Darstellende Künste in cooperation with the Berliner Festspiele and the 30 Bundesweiten Artist Labs. Funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media within the framework of NEUSTART KULTUR.
Program: Felizitas Stilleke, Steffen Klewar, Marie Deuflhard Set Design: Philine Rinnert, Ola Korbanska Production Management: Sabine Seifert, Melanie Klimmer Technical Management: Falco Ewald Editing: Sebastian Köthe, Elisabeth Wellershaus Film: Medea Film Factory GmbH, Janina Möbius Podcasts: Julia Bonn & Anna-Lena Wenzel Graphics: Engenhart ° Design Studio
Market for Useful Knowledge and Non-Knowledge. License No. 11. End of repetition // Mobile Akademie Berlin
On the evening of October 14, 2022, the program of the "B.A.L.L. - Bundesweites Artist Labor der Labore" opened for the "Market for Useful Knowledge and Non-Knowledge (License No. 11)" of the Mobile Akademie Berlin. In an arena, following the rhythm of administrative time, 100 experts from art, activism, theory and the most diverse everyday life presented their expertise for and against the repetitive. Which routines are finally suspended, differently charged or rehearsed? Is everything already there and are we just repeating the wrong thing?
More than 650 visitors sat in the arena and listened to the talks or sought direct dialogue with the experts in bookable individual discussions.
Please find below an overview of the topics and experts at the "Market for Useful Knowledge and Non-Knowledge. End of Repetition".
A project of the Mobile Akademie Berlin, organized by the Fonds Darstellende Künste within the framework of "Bundesweites Artist Labor der Labore" in cooperation with the Berliner Festspiele. Funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media as part of NEUSTART KULTUR.
Licensee: Fonds Darstellende Künste Licensor: Hannah Hurtzig Curator: Florian Malzacher Dramaturgy, Research: Cory Tamler Advisory Board: Alexander Karschnia, Necati Öziri, Promona Sengupta Production Management: Peer Stark Technical Direction: Falco Ewald
Fatuma Musa Afrah, Frauen- & Menschenrechtsaktivistin & Gründerin United Actions Women & Girls e.V.
Mohammad Al Attar, Dramatiker & Theatermacher
Neta Alexander, Film- & Medientheoretikerin
Fikri Anıl Altıntaş, Autor, #HeForShe Botschafter / UN Women Deutschland
Ulf Aminde, Künstler / weißensee kunsthochschule berlin
Robin Arthur, Theatermacher / Forced Entertainment
Biplab Basu, Aktivist / Kampagne für Opfer rassistischer Polizeigewalt (KOP) & ReachOut Berlin
Burkhard Blienert, Beauftragter der Bundesregierung für Sucht- und Drogenfragen
Boris Buden, Philosoph & Autor
Jörg Buttgereit, Regisseur & Autor
Hamze Bytyci, Kurator, Aktivist & Gründer RomaTrial e.V
Miguel Canal, Medienkünstler & Pilzforscher
Stefanie Carp, Dramaturgin & Festivalmacherin
Vasyl Cherepanyn, Kulturwissenschaftler & Kurator / Visual Culture Research Center, Kyiv
Andrei Chitu, ehem. Social Media Streetworker
Radha D’Souza, Rechtswissenschaftlerin & Anwältin
Timo Daum, Kapitalismus-Kritiker & Sachbuchautor
Pablo Ruiz de Olano, Wissenschaftstheoretiker / Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte (MPIWG)
Dennis Deep, Sex-Worker
Viviana Druga, Künstlerin & Tarot-Leserin / Tarot de Berlin
Isa Edelhoff, Referentin für Theater & Tanz / Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur & Medien
Patrick Eiden-Offe, Literatur- & Kulturwissenschaftler
Holger Eisele, Festkörperphysiker / Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
Ruby Eshun, Researcherin
Caitlin Fisher, ehem. professionelle Fußballspielerin, Aktivistin & Künstlerin
Christian Fritzenwanker, Beauty Experte
Ivo Garbe, Gewerkschaftssekretär, Landesfachbereich Gesundheit, Soziale Dienste, Bildung & Wissenschaft Berlin-Brandenburg / ver.di
Núria Muñoz Garganté, Wissenschaftshistorikerin / Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte (MPIWG)
Alexis Goertz, Gründerin Edible Alchemy
Dominique Haensell, Chefredakteurin / Missy Magazine
Alexandra Heimes, Literatur- & Kulturwissenschaftlerin / Leibniz-Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung (ZfL)
Nele Hertling, Direktorin der Sektion Darstellende Kunst / Akademie der Künste, Berlin
Max Jorge Hinderer Cruz, Künstlerischer Leiter / Akademie der Künste der Welt, Köln
Torsten Holzapfel, Schauspieler / Theater Thikwa
Heinrich Horwitz, Regisseur*in, Choreograf*in & Performer*in
Stefan Kaegi, Theatermacher / Rimini Protokoll
Joy Kristin Kalu, Theaterwissenschaftlerin & Kuratorin
Alexander Karschnia, Theatermacher & Autor / andcompany&Co.
Natasha A. Kelly, Autorin & Regisseurin (Film & Theater)
Susanne Kennedy, Theaterregisseurin
Mina Khani, Autorin & Feministin
Anastasiia Kosodii, Dramatikerin & Regisseurin
Prem Krishnamurthy, Gestalter, Autor & Lehrender
Thomas Kuczynski, Wirtschaftshistoriker & Marx-Herausgeber
Şeyda Kurt, Journalist*in
Joanna Kusiak, Soziologin / Initiative Deutsche Wohnen enteignen
Jürgen Kuttner, Radiomoderator & Theaterregisseur
Britta Lange, Kulturwissenschaftlerin / Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
Julio Linares, Ökonomischer Anthropologe / Circles UBI & Basic Income Earth Network
Hannah Marc, Illustratorin
Oliver Marchart, Politologe / Universität Wien
Luise Meier, Philosophin, Performerin & Aktivistin
Małgorzata Mirga-Tas, Künstlerin & Roma*-Aktivistin
Daniel Moldoveanu, Künstler & Essayist
Christian Morin, Konzertagent / Headquarter
Alia Mossallam, Kulturhistorikerin & Autorin / Forum Transregionale Studien e.V.
Rabih Mroué, Theatermacher & Künstler
Bodo Mrozek, Historiker / Berliner Kolleg Kalter Krieg, Institut für Zeitgeschichte München-Berlin
Maria Muhle, Philosophin / Akademie der Bildenden Künste München
Christ Mukenge & Lydia Schellhammer, Künstler*innen
Tobi Müller, Journalist
Ogutu Muraya, Künstler & Geschichtenerzähler
Lucía Muriel, Trauma-Therapeutin & Leiterin Klima Dekolonial & solidarisch / glokal e.V.
Anna Muzyka, Journalistin & PR-Managerin
Camila Nobrega, Journalistin & Aktivistin / Beyond the Green
Ahmet Öğüt, Künstler
Franca Parianen, Neurowissenschaftlerin & Autorin
Matthias Pees, Intendant / Berliner Festspiele
Michael Philipp, Historiker & Kurator / Museum Barberini, Potsdam
Berno Odo Polzer, Kurator & Kulturwissenschaftler
Krishan Rajapakshe, Künstler / *foundationClass*Collective
Cord Riechelmann, Journalist, Biologe & Philosoph
Kevin Rittberger, Autor & Theatermacher
Yvette Robertson, Interkulturelle Kompetenz Trainerin
Mohammad Salemy, Künstler, Kritiker, Gründer The New Centre
Tomás Argentina Saraceno, Künstler
Madlyn Sauer, Autorin & Künstlerin
Louna Sbou, Geschäftsführerin und künstlerische Leiterin / Oyoun
Fabian Scheidler, Buch-, Theater-, Opern- & Fernsehautor
Miriam Schickler, Klangkünstlerin & Kulturwissenschaftlerin
Wolfgang Schneider, Kulturwissenschaftler, Vorstandsvorsitzender Fonds Darstellende Künste
Promona Sengupta/Captain Pro, Künstlerin, Captain des Raumschiffs, Aktivistin & Kuratorin
Marc Siegel, Filmwissenschaftler / Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Marcus Steinweg, Philosoph
Nora Sternfeld, Kuratorin & Kunstpädagogin / Hochschule für bildende Künste Hamburg
Kathy-Ann Tan, Kuratorin, Autorin & Gründerin Mental Health Arts Space Berlin
Marita Tatari, Philosophin
Dejan Terzić, Schlagzeuger & Komponist
Zoran Terzić, Bühnenautor, Jazzpianist & Kulturtheoretiker
Oxana Timofeeva, Philosophin
Margarita Tsomou, Kulturwissenschaftlerin & Kuratorin
Kat Válastur, Choreographin
Aimée van Baalen, Aktivistin / Die Letzte Generation
Anja Voigt, betriebliche Streikführerin der Berliner Krankenhausbewegung / Vivantes
Joanna Warsza, Kuratorin
Sarah Waterfeld, Autorin / Staub zu Glitzer
Mai Wegener, Psychoanalytikerin
Stefanie Wenner, Künstlerin & Theaterwissenschaftlerin
Daniel Wetzel, Theatermacher / Rimini Protokoll
Petra Willer, Gedächtnistrainerin & Lerntherapeutin
Alexander Karschnia, Theatermacher & Autor / andcompany&Co.
Necati Öziri, Schriftsteller & Dramaturg
Promona Sengupta/Captain Pro, Künstlerin, Captain des Raumschiffs, Aktivistin & Kuratorin