Video still on the animated event trailer. Facade of a prefabricated housing estate, in front of it colorful silhouettes of people and two flying globes. In dark lettering "Erfurt 16.+17.06." and the logo of the Phoenix Theater Festival. © Roman Hagenbrock

August 16 and 17, 2024 | Plattenstufen-Festspiele presented by the PHOENIX Theaterfestival

In Erfurt, the Forum will take place away from the cathedral and old town on the Platz der Völkerfreundschaft in the middle of the high-rise housing estate in Rieth. And is planned as a very practical friendship strategy with networking, communities, a performative beauty salon (Frauke Frech) and arguing, grumbling, singing (citizen) choirs – for a resistant and combative local community.

Program overview

August 16, 2024

10 a.m. – 10:15 a.m.

Market Barker

Welcome with Anica Happich (Artistic Director PHOENIX Theaterfestival)

Start of the day with announcements about the current world situation, the height of the water level under the slab concrete and the wind force that is blowing against us.

  • Venue: Truck on the Platz der Völkerfreundschaft / BRUNNENPLATZ
10 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Grand Beauty Salon

Transcultural beauty salon by and with Frauke Frech

GRAND BEAUTY is a radically diverse beauty salon in which beauty and care experts with and without a migrant background, self-taught artists and professionals work together. Beauty is understood here as a gesture of solidarity with one another, as a concept of a good life free from oppression.

GRAND BEAUTY is an award-winning transcultural salon for beauty, diversity and dialog and was awarded the 2021 "The Power of Arts - Transforming Society" prize.

  • Venue: Wellness Café/ Container/ BRUNNENPLATZ
12 p.m. – 4 p.m.

Get involved, an exercise in adding your mustard to the mix.

Workshop with Tanja Krone

The director, musician and performer Tanja Krone invites everyone to add their own bit of mustard to the general situation, in the literal sense of the word: in the collective process of making mustard, you can enter into conversation with Krone – about the meaning of the spicy paste when it’s once again about the sausage, as well as about the mustard of the present in general.

  • Venue: Truck on the Platz der Völkerfreundschaft / BRUNNENPLATZ
4 p.m. – 6 p.m.

Truck Time

Truck Time is an active and activating chill out time and place of constant discussion about THE ART OF STAYING MANY: Come along, inform yourselves and us, exchange ideas – about fears, questions, wishes about contemporary history. On our journey through nine venues, the truck will offer you a listening ear and connect the experiences, places and reports via analog CHAT. And if you want to do something concrete, you can build DIY wind turbines with us – to measure together how and where the political wind is blowing.

  • Venue: Truck on the Platz d. Völkerfreundschaft / BRUNNENPLATZ
4 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.

Orchester on Tour

Children's concert and instrument exploration

An exclusive mini-concert! Gundula Mantu (violin) and Kremena Christowa (viola), members of the Erfurt Philharmonic Orchestra, introduce their instruments to the children. There is a lot to recognize, sing along to and discover. From the animals that hide in the viola and the violin to the way a mute changes the sound - we learn all this during "Orchestra on Tour".

  • In cooperation with Theater Erfurt
  • Venue: Truck on the Platz d. Völkerfreundschaft / BRUNNENPLATZ
  • n case of bad weather, the event will take place indoors. Further information at

4 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Let's exchange business cards

Networking format with the Thüringer Theaterverband, FESTIVAL FRIENDS VERBUND, Fonds Darstellende Künste, PHOENIX Theaterfestival

An event of the Plattenstufen-Festspiele. You can find more information here.

  • Venue: Truck on the Platz d. Völkerfreundschaft / ARENA
6 p.m. – 7 p.m.

Im Brandzeichen des Astronomischen Pferdes

Western-Show by Rumpel Pumpel Theater

An event of the Plattenstufen-Festspiele. Further information can be found here.

8.30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.

Cats of Erfurt

The junkyard musical by glanz&krawall, with live music by the Schrotti Star Orchestra.

An event of the Plattenstufen-Festspiele. Further information can be found here.

August 17, 2024

10 a.m. – 10:15 a.m.

Market Barker

Welcome with Anica Happich (Artistic Director PHOENIX Theaterfestival)

Start of the day with announcements about the current world situation, the height of the water level under the slab concrete and the wind force that is blowing against us.

  • Venue: Truck on the Platz der Völkerfreundschaft / BRUNNENPLATZ
10:00 a.m. - 16:00 p.m.

Truck Time with the Ramida Kreativ Mobil

Truck Time is an active and activating chill-out time and a place for constant discussion about the ART OF BEING MANY: Come along, find out more about us and yourselves, share your fears, questions and wishes about contemporary history. On our journey through 9 venues, the truck will give you an open ear and connect the experiences, places and reports via analog CHAT. And if you want to do something concrete, you can build DIY wind turbines with us - to measure together how and where the political wind blows.

Discover, collect, create - free space for children!

The “Kreativ Mobil” is a mobile laboratory, a workshop, a discovery space and an exhibition venue. Non-toxic waste and leftovers from industry, trade, crafts and commerce are prepared in an appealing way and thus tempt you to be creative and artistic. The aim is to raise awareness of the wealth of materials and their diverse uses. In one to two hours, the children have the freedom to experience the topic of “sustainability” with all their senses, to design and create a unique work of art.

  • Venue: Truck on the Platz d. Völkerfreundschaft / BRUNNENPLATZ
12 p.m. – 4 p.m.

Weltoffenes Thüringen action days (tbc)

Out of concern for democracy, organizations and people from all over Thuringia have become involved in Weltoffenes Thüringen. The PHOENIX Theater Festival is part of the initiative Weltoffenes Thüringen. #thueringenweltoffen

Further information at Weltoffenes Thüringen (

Venue: Truck on the Platz d. Völkerfreundschaft / BRUNNENPLATZ

12:15 p.m.

Durch Dick und Dünn

An event of the Plattenstufen-Festspiele. Further information can be found here.

1:30 p.m. – 3 p.m.

ANNAMEDEA and her Meckerchor

Meckerchor by anna stiede and Susann Neuenfeldt, a cooperation with Panzerkreuzer Rotkäppchen

Choir: Tanja Krone, Tommy Neuwirth, Anica Happich, Maren Barnikow, Anna Barth, u.v.m.

The East German practice of giving out and complaining is an expression of opinion and a subversive practice of seeking trust that originated in GDR times. What wishes and dreams are hidden in today's rants? The performance artist anna stiede, who comes from Thuringia, has developed the citizen ANNAMEDEA together with the director Susann Neuenfeldt. Now, in the face of the upcoming state elections, ANNAMEDEA works and wanders through the East with a growing, life-affirming choir of grumblers, open to all those who need to moan. An invitation to a collective, sensual and powerful act of complaining. Next stop: Erfurt and Dresden!

  • Venue: Platz d. Völkerfreundschaft / ARENA, BRUNNENPLATZ
2:00 p.m.

PLATTE performative neighborhood walk in Rieth with M.over Company

An event of the Plattenstufen-Festspiele. Further information can be found here.

2 p.m. - 7 p.m.

Siebdruck for everyone

Upcycling and consumer sensitization with Conny Lohse (liebewicht) Upcycling instead of devaluing!

An event of the Plattenstufen-Festspiele. Further information can be found here.

  • Please bring T-shirts, jute bags or sweaters with a high cotton or viscose content.
  • Venue: Truck on the Platz d. Völkerfreundschaft / BRUNNENPLATZ
3:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

Get involved, an exercise in adding your mustard to the mix. Workshop with Tanja Krone

The director, musician and performer Tanja Krone invites everyone to add their own bit of mustard to the general situation, in the literal sense of the word: in the collective process of making mustard, you can enter into conversation with Krone – about the meaning of the spicy paste when it’s once again about the sausage, as well as about the mustard of the present in general.

  • Registration is required. Registration information will follow shortly.
  • Venue: Platz d. Völkerfreundschaft / BRUNNENPLATZ
7:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.

Cats of Erfurt

The junkyard musical by glanz&krawall, with live music by the Schrotti Star Orchestra.

An event of the Plattenstufen-Festspiele. Further information can be found here.

Registration & Accessibility

Tickets & Registration

The events are free of charge.
Pre-registration is required for the following events:
PLATTE Performative neighborhood walk in Rieth with M.over Company

More information on registration will follow shortly.


Please note the accessibility information for the Phoenix Theater Festivals venues.