Organizing Cultural Commons

Staub zu Glitzer

Organizing Cultural Commons – Overcoming Intendances!

Staub zu Glitzer has been dedicated to the organization of 'Theater Commons' as part of the production "B6112" since 2017. This involves the radical democratization and opening up of a theater space. In the face of neoliberal precarity and competitive thinking, and especially in light of the current resurgence of fascism, it is essential to establish solidary structures. 'Cultural Commons' do not spontaneously emerge in the bourgeois, hierarchically structured theater world, particularly when urban development processes lead to desolidarisation and isolation. So, which actors in urban society can commonize a theater through what methods?

Within the lab, we worked with representatives of allied self-organized groups such as QueerdurchBerlin, the Berlin Hospital Movement, IhrSeidKeineSicherheit, Alliance Against Homelessness, Antiverschwurbelte Aktion, Union for Homeless Rights, OMAS GEGEN RECHTS, Sleepingplaceorga, F_AJOC, Woman*LifeFreedom Kollektiv, b-aware, and others on the content of an open-source zine. When initiating a 'Commoning' process, we advocate for an inclusive bottom-up approach and also define the audience as 'Commonizers'. The zine serves as a guide for anyone interested in engaging with 'Theater Commoning'.

More detailed documentation of the lab can be found behind the following keywords, which invite you to browse.


Antiverschwurbelte Aktion, Aktion: Notaufnahme retten, Avtonomi Akadimia Athen, b-aware, Berliner Krankenhausbewegung, Berliner Obdachlosenhilfe e.V., Bündnis Gemeinsam Gegen Obdachlosigkeit, F_AJOC (Feministische Antifaschistische Jugendorganisation Charlottenburg), Ihr Seid Keine Sicherheit, Linie206, Bündnis Mietenwahnsinn, OMAS GEGEN RECHTS, Queer durch Berlin, SleepingplaceOrga, Staub zu Glitzer, Union für Obdachlosenrechte (UfO) & Women* Life Freedom Kollektiv

Editors of the zine: Cecilia Hussinger, Falk Lörcher, Sarah Waterfeld
With contributions from: Laura Strack, Luise Meier, Vera Hofmann, Sanaz Azimipour
Illustration: Lina Gröttrup
Layout: Falk Lörcher