Mable Preach

I already have the feeling that theaters are more for those who earn more. (J. 15 years)

"PLAYFUL HAUS" serves as a laboratory where different groups come together to collectively search for solutions and creative approaches. It is a place of exchange and collaboration that aims to make children's and youth theater more diverse and sensitive in the post-pandemic future.

In this laboratory, table discussions took place where theater experts, parents, young theater-goers, and teachers came together. They discussed, among other things, the tension between the institution of school, individual teachers, the possibilities of artists, and the influence of parents or the social environment of young target groups. Protocols of the discussions were created to share the results with the Writers Room. This led to the creation of a first draft for a model theater play on the topic of colonialism for the ages 6 and up.


Aidan Riebensahm, Aileen Pullmann, Anh Thi Do-Kavka, Anne Pretzsch, Ayhan Salar, Bernarda Doku, Christopher Wall, Kira Römer, Kojo Kwarho, Linda Schulz, Lyn Sarkodie, Nehle Mallasch, Mable Preach, Marleen Latif, Miriam Harder, Rike Maerten, Simoné Goldschmidt-Lechner & Sonja Collison