
Pascal Schmidt – House of Brownies

Trends come and go but it needs to stay that we include people.

To the video with audio description

The focus of the lab is to reflect on the challenges and questions of diversity and accessibility in dance from the perspective of the artists through experience. They want to create a space where dancers from today's community, employed and freelance, discuss and share their opinions in order to stimulate solution-oriented reflections in today's theater world to enrich the German theater landscape. How is it possible to enable spaces of knowledge exchange in 'theater spaces' and thus create access points for audiences? Whose task/responsibility is it to enable these spaces? Who is their audience, how diverse is the German dance landscape in theaters? By means of different formats such as brainstorming, workshops as well as podcast conversations, these questions will be examined from different angles.

So-called classical or contemporary dances are still mostly shown on stages, interpreted by white choreographers, performed by white dancers and received by an equally white audience. And many wonders why a diverse, young audience is missing.

The artists believe that representation on stage and audience are mutually dependent. They believe that telling different stories, sharing knowledge, and representing diverse dance styles and dancers on stage are important aspects of reaching future audiences.

More detailed documentation of the lab can be found behind the following keywords, which invite you to browse.


Akshatha Ramesh, Andras, Black Pearl, Carla Silva, Eliza Maimouna, Elle Fierce, Eva Lomby, Gifty Lartey, Jaclyn Hernandez, Joseph Toonga, Keelan Withmore, Lukas Lu, Marcelino Libao, Marcelo Doño , Mariana Souza, Monique Smith, Paula Pau, Renan Manhaes, Ricardo Urbina, Shevelle Dynott, Wendy Williams, Yolanda Moralles & Zaniah