Wi(e)der Setzen – Praktisch Forschen an Szenografien für die Publika von morgen


Participation, interaction, joint creation, inclusivity – what are the potentials of scenography?

In productions of the independent theater and performance arts community, scenography and costume often fulfill far more functions than those of aesthetic design; they are signposts, carriers of action and means of communication. Scenographers, costume designers, and visual artists can create special visual and spatial situations and open up new scope for action for actors and audiences alike. One of the responsibilities of visual artists here is to also think about inclusivity and accessibility.

How can spaces and performances be equally experienced by an audience as diverse as possible? What potential do scenographies have for community building and participation? How can materials promote interaction? Which scenographies empower the audience to participate? What kind of scenographies do the audiences of tomorrow need?

Eleven artists came together in this artistic lab as a multidisciplinary team to address these questions, gather state of-the-art research, share their expertise and think ahead together. They artistically and practically explored the forms and potentials of togetherness and their associated scenographies. The results were tested and presented to the public in a performative open workshop and exhibition as part of the "MADE.DATE meets kaleidoskop meets Branchentreff" organized by LaPROF Hessen and the MADE Festival.


Katharina Becklas, Estrella Jurado (Artistic Direction), Anna Maria Beck (Production Management), Flavia Viola Stein (Assistance), Emese Bodolay (Format Development), Lilly Chill (Video Editing), Participating artists: Judith Altmeyer, Jeanne Louët, Hilke Fomferra, Theresa Reiwer, Jonathan Schmidt-Colinet, Johanne Schröder, Rahel Seitz, Rosa Wallbrecher & Anja Zihlmann, Janina Janke, Stephanie Müller, Rosa Wernecke (Input Givers) & Studio Sara Cristina Moser (Poster Design).

More detailed documentation of the lab can be found behind the following keywords, which invite you to browse.