Wesen der Abwesenheit – Debatte im Freiluft-Onsen der neuen Kläranlage
A lab by Aljoscha Begrich, Benjamin Foerster-Baldenius and Ella Ziegler
With: Tatjana Ahle-Rosental, Dido Aquilanti, Louise Brown, Christopher Dell, Michael John, Bernadette La Hengst, Christophe Meierhans, Marianne Sonneck, Christian Tschirner, Margarita Tsomou
Ten representatives of those who are absent debate their transformational proposals for the culture of the performing arts. How can non-human life forms, nature cultures, 15-year-olds, lonely mourners, the deceased, those who can't find their way or believe the theater doesn't have anything to do with them, those who inhabit new dramatic landscapes of the Anthropocene or those who prefer to devote their time to other things, but also representation itself, become a powerful part of the performing arts audience? How can we understand those who are absent in order to use their absence as a starting point for transformations?
- Access: no step-free access to the pool, ramp to the edge of the pool available, relaxed**, no beanbags
- Location: wastewater treatment plant in the Avant-Garten