Forge Creative Alliances. Quantity vs Quality: Do we need a Code of Conduct for the audience?

With: Team of Migrantpolitan and other guests

Most of us are familiar with the phenomenon: The code of conduct that has been painstakingly enforced in one's own safe space (or one's own bubble) is almost impossible to apply to a larger audience.
Does the bourgeois audience need new behavioral patterns to respectfully respond to the art forms of marginalized artists? Should theaters learn from clubs and develop a "door policy"?

After a brief input from members of Migrantpolitan, we will engage in an open reflection and discussion of this topic.

  • Format: Keynote speech and discussion
  • Spoken Language: English
  • Access: no step-free access (one flight of stairs), GER↔ENG if needed, mask required, relaxed** (sofa), there is a cat in the room.
  • Location: Migrantpolitan building in Avant-Garten