Spielend Nachhaltigkeit (weiter)denken - Arbeiten für und mit Jungem Publikum
With: kollektiv:proton (Laura Mirjam Walter, Maria-Alice Bahra)
kollektiv:proton works outside of theatrical fields of work from local contexts. Whether building insect hotels or insect glasses, unsealing soil or transforming into insect creatures, they deal with questions such as: How can we work sustainably with primarily young participants? How can materials and energies be used in this sense? How can long-term connections between city and countryside be created?
In the workshop, artists who work at the interface of free performing arts and cultural education will share methods, knowledge and tools they have gathered in projects with young people and offer an exchange on active collaboration with the audience.g.
- Format: Workshop
- Spoken Language: German
- Access: no step-free access, GER↔ENG if needed, mask friendly*
- Location: 2nd floor
The workshop is funded by the GLOBAL VILLAGE KIDS program as part of “Kultur macht stark. Bündnisse für Bildung," (Culture empowers: Alliance for education) funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.