Gefordert, gefördert getan – Überlegungen zur postpandemischen Weiterentwicklung neuer Formate

Figure players of the VDP

When children have regular contact with high-quality puppet theater at an early age, an emotional long-term attachment to cultural experience is achieved.

How can the new puppet theater formats developed during the pandemic and their audiences be maintained or expanded from a finance-practicability perspective while adhering to the HUG?

Thanks to various funding instruments, the puppet theater sector experienced an enormous upswing during the pandemic. Now it is threatened with collapse. This lab is being created to work towards solutions.

Six members of the puppet theater community will meet for three days in Bad Segeberg. In the run-up, relevant information will be collected in personal conversations, Zoom meetings and through evaluations and then digitally bundled. On this basis, whether and how the newly developed formats can be continued in the future will be explored.

After an initial exchange, a presentation, and the compilation of the material, the plan is to pinpoint the fundamental needs within the community. The participants will use discussion rounds, mind-mapping, role-playing, and other means to explore which specific promotional tools are needed to retain audiences and secure this cross-genre art form. For the video documentation, the participants will develop incisive statements to give a voice to the puppet, figure and object theater performers.


Angelika Gök (hands&cOmpany Figurentheater, Stuttgart), Matthias Träger (tearticolo theater, Klotten), Petra Albersmann (Theater Albersmann, Hamburg), Anja Kosanke (Theater niridu, Süsel), Stephan Schlafke (KOBALT Figurentheater, Lübeck) & Nina Stammer (VDP office, Berlin)