

What excites us about independent theater? And how do we tell about it?

How do independent theaters engage and expand their audiences in a changing society? And: Is the way we think about audiences creative or the problem itself? The artist's aim was to ask and not to know. So they asked themselves: What is the source of our own enthusiasm for theater? And how do we talk about it?

They then asked Anna Kleeblatt, an expert in cultural marketing. Her message: theaters need to get to know their audiences and their needs much better. They asked Prof. Dr. Martin Tröndle about non-theater-goers. His message: building a close relationship with the audience is even more important than breaking down barriers. They asked Tina Lorenz, head of the digital department at the Staatstheater Augsburg. She talked about playful joy and gamers at the theater. David Ortmann, also from the Staatstheater Augsburg, talked about breaking down barriers for people with disabilities, and Jan Geiger, co-director of Pathos Munich, talked about opening the theater to communities. The key for both: listening! Lisa Besser from tanzmainz gave an insight into a best practice: "We have always asked ourselves together with the dancers how we can communicate what we want to do." The lab was complemented by a survey of 20 independent theaters on public relations.


Lisa Besser, Louisa Franssen, Kathleen Gaube, Jan Geiger, Antonio Giudi, Heiki Ikkola, Anna, Kleeblatt, Raffaela Lanci, Tina Lorenz, Kathrin Maier, David Ortmann, Pablo Sansalvador, Anastasia Semesch, Andreas Schlegel, Robert Schmidt, Siegmar Schröder, Jonas Schütte, Prof. Dr. Martin Tröndle & Ralph Würfel