Queer Audience Empowerment Bootcamp

Queereeoké / CherrYO!kie

Stay queer! Be crime!

Right and wrong. Us and them. Apples and oranges. Performers and audience. Our world runs on binaries. The consequence of it is a constraint to adapt that hinders and hurts. Queer people’s life experience shows: boundaries are important as long as they don’t keep you from evolving. Revisiting, questioning and dissolving the own boundaries is a healing practice, when it’s provided an adequately safe space. If that space is temporary and tied to too many detrimental conditions, that process will get difficult.

For that reason, their lab dedicates its work to the strategies of community building instead of generating audiences. The question isn’t: "Who are 'they' and how do we reach 'them'?" It’s: "Who are we? How do we come up with practices that help us break binaries? How do we unlearn the internalized binary structures? Again and again? Together?"

Twelve artists of the CherrYO!kie/Queereeoké collective have not only collected knowledge from their own past mutual performing experience, they are also putting it to work, creating workshops, somatic work, music, sharing practices, communication- and movement training, developing new concepts and creative tools for spaces of togetherness vs. consumerism.


Scout Wölfli, Bixa Preta, Jazzy Jes, Aurah Jendafaaq, Gieza Poke, Danny Banany, dancingsven, Mearl, Waylon, Rory Midhani, Easy, NATA, Hugo Dias, Tomi Paasonen & Lennart Thiem