Regulations NET (Deadline: 17.07.2023)
Network Grant
01. Network grants are aimed at longstanding active associations, networks, production centers and supra-regional festivals of the independent performing arts that cooperate with at least one further comparable institution of the independent performing arts beyond federal state borders in the context of the project that is being applied for.
02. Funding is awarded for (also digital) cooperation projects in the field of knowledge transfer and qualification in the independent performing arts that are realized on a supra-regional basis and that include at least one discussion event, a symposium, a congress or a major information event for further education or field-specific exchange of nationwide relevance. The event must take place in the Federal Republic of Germany.
No artistic positions for productions, guest performances, lecture performances or other artistic associated pro-grams can be supported with funds from the Fonds Darstellende Künste in the context of network grants.03. The applying institution and at least one cooperating institution must already have been professionally active in the field of the independent performing arts for several years, i.e. for at least two years and must have their head-quarters and main focus of work in Germany and be organized as a legal entity (for example as a registered associ-ation or GmbH).
04. Projects in the context of the network grant must be predominantly realized in Germany.
05. Applicants must be in the position to guarantee proper management of the company as well as to prove the ap-propriate use of the funding.
06. The applications must be submitted by 17.07.2023 at 11:59 pm.
07. Applications must be submitted using the appropriate online form at
A complete application shall also include
(a) a cost and financing plan using the form provided by the Fonds Darstellende Künste and in accordance with the provisions of points 12 to 17 of these regulations;
(b) a two-page detailed presentation of the applying and at least one other institution or venue, festival, asso-ciation or society as a pdf-document
(c) a three-page project description as a pdf-document
(d) internet links for self-presentation
(e) proof(s) of all approved co-financing (in form of an approval notice) as a combined pdf document (see point 12).
(f) Proof of the cooperative relationship in the form of a letter of intent or a cooperation contract from a co-operation partner as a pdf document.
08. An application is deemed to have been submitted on time if all documents (see point 07) are uploaded to the da-tabase of the Fonds Darstellende Künste by the end of the day of the application deadline at 23:59 at the latest. Late or incomplete applications cannot be considered.
09. There is no entitlement to the grant. Payments will be made on the basis of a current cost and financing plan after the conclusion of a grant agreement. In addition, a project account must be used or set up to receive the funding. Otherwise, funding cannot be ensured.
10. In case of funding, the project must be complete between 01.11.2023 (anticipated) and 30.08.2024 at the latest.
11. A source and disposition statement/receipts must be submitted no later than two months after the end of the respective project.
12. The Fonds supports projects in the field of the independent performing arts in the amount of at least 15,000 euros up to a maximum of 50,000 euros, within the framework of process funding.
13. Balanced cost and financing plans are a prerequisite for a network grants.
14. Co-financing with public funds (from federal states and/or municipality) at a level of at least 50 percent of the Fonds application sum must be demonstrably secured upon submitting the application.
15. Personnel and material expenses are eligible for funding in accordance with the general ancillary provisions for project funding (ANBest-P). Any travel expenses incurred are reimbursable in accordance with the Federal Travel Expenses Act (BRKG). As a rule, investment costs for technology, presentation and other purchases may not ex-ceed 30% of the application sum.
16. VAT, deductible in accordance with § 15 UStG, is not eligible for funding. Similarly, ongoing non-project-related material and personnel expenses are excluded.
17. Proposed fees should be based on the recommended levels for minimum fees for independent theaters.*
18. Funding is precluded if projects or productions or parts thereof have already begun before the funding decision, i.e. if expenditures have already been made for them or contracts have already been concluded.
19. A funding application for a project may only be made to one single funding program within the Fonds Darstellende Künste; parallel applications are not permitted. A project that has been previously rejected due to a Board of Trus-tees decision cannot be applied for again at the Fonds Darstellende Künste.
20. Applicants may apply for only one project in any one funding round of the program.
21. An application to the Fonds Darstellende Künste excludes co-financing of the proposed project from another fund-ing institution that awards federal funds. This applies, among other things, to the Kulturstiftung des Bundes, the Hauptstadtkulturfonds, the Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, the Fonds Soziokultur, the Tanzpakt, the Musik-fonds, usually the Goethe-Institut and co-production funding through the Nationale Performance-Netz (NPN).
These regulations are valid as of May 15, 2023. Subject to change without notice.
Berlin, May 15, 2023
Fonds Darstellende Künste e.V.
Board of Directors and Management
* Recommendation of the Bundesverband Freie Darstellende Künste e.V. for a lower fee limit for the inde-pendent performing arts in Germany: 2,490 euros gross per month for professional groups with compulsory insurance in the Künstlersozialkasse (KSK) and 2,875 euros per month for professional groups for which social security via the KSK is not possible.