Regulations (Application Deadline: 15.04.2024)
Residency Grant
Please Note! This is a translation of the valid regulations and is meant only to help in the orientation and understanding of those, for whom German is not a first language. Only the regulations in the original German version apply. There is no guarantee for the correctness and completeness of any translated information.
01. Residency grants are aimed at independent professionally producing performing arts groups and project-based associations of artists from all genres and fields of the independent performing arts that are associated with a flausen+bundesnetzwerk production house.
02. Funding is available for open-ended projects such as research, artistic/experimental laboratories and concept development for future productions taking place in a residency, at/or in connection with a residency location listed under item 07.
03. The grant for the total project of € 9,000 will be awarded for a period of one to a maximum of three consecutive months from 15.05.2024 – 15.09.2024; it is exclusively reserved for personnel costs.
04. Applicants must have worked in significant artistic or curatorial positions in publicly funded performing arts projects in the independent performing arts and have their headquarters or place of residency and main artistic work focus in the Federal Republic of Germany.
05. Projects in the context of residency grants must be realized in Germany. Any exceptions to this regulation must be explained in the application.
06. Applicants must be in a position to guarantee proper business management as well as deliver proof of correct use of grant funds.
07. The venues from the flausen+bundesnetzwerk whose residency certificate permits application are as follows:
- Ein Ding der Möglichkeit (Salderatzen)
- E-WERK (Freiburg Breisgau)
- FITZ Zentrum für Figurentheater (Stuttgart)
- Freies Werkstatt Theater (Köln)
- Jahrmarkttheater (Altenmedingen)
- Libken Denk- und Produktionsort (Gerswalde)
- META Theater (Moosach)
- OFF Bühne Komplex (Chemnitz)
- Orangerie Theater (Köln)
- Schaubude (Berlin)
- Schaubühne Lindenfels (Leipzig)
- schloss bröllin (Fahrenwalde)
- Schwere Reiter (München)
- Sensemble Theater (Augsburg)
- Societaetstheater (Dresden)
- Sprechwerk Off Bühne (Hamburg)
- TanzLabor ROXY (Ulm)
- Theater Combinale (Lübeck)
- Theater im Ballsaal (Bonn)
- Theater in der Kurve (Neustadt/Weinstrasse)
- Theater neben dem Turm (Marburg)
- Theaterwerkstatt Pilkentafel (Flensburg)
- theater wrede+ (Oldenburg)
- TOR 6 Theaterhaus / Theaterlabor (Bielefeld)
- Unser Theater (Schwabhausen)
- Villa Wigman (Dresden)
- Volksbühne am Kaulenberg (Halle/Saale)
- WIESE eG (Hamburg)
08. Applications must be submitted online by 15.04.2024 (deadline) at 11:59 pm.
09. Applications must be submitted using the appropriate online form.
A complete application shall also include:
- a cost and financing plan in the excel format provided by the Fonds Darstellende Künste and in accordance with the provisions in points 15 to 19 of these regulations
- an up to 2-page detailed presentation of the artist group and their artistic or curatorial activities to date as a pdf
- an up to 2-page description that covers all the essential aspects of the residency project as a pdf
- proof of one production supported by public funds from the period between 2021 and 2024 (in the form of a grant confirmation, a program publication with supporter logo or the like) as a pdf
- internet links for a self-presentation
- certification from the respective venue or the flausen+bundesnetzwerk of the residency provision in the period that has been applied for.
10. An application is considered to have been submitted on time if all the documents (see point 09) are uploaded to the database of the Fonds Darstellende Künste and sent by 11:59 p.m. at the latest on the date of the application deadline. Late or incomplete applications cannot be considered.
11. The basis for the approval, disbursement and accounting of funds is a project funding agreement within the meaning of No. 12.5 of the Administrative Regulations on Section 44 of the "Federal Budget Code" (BHO). The "General Auxillary Conditions for Project Funding" (ANBest-P) are constituent in the project funding agreement.
12. There is no entitlement to funding. Payments will be made on the basis of an up-to-date cost and financing plan following the conclusion of a funding agreement. In addition, a project bank account must be used or set up to receive the funding. Otherwise, funding cannot be guaranteed.
13. In the event of a funding approval, the appropriation period lasts between (expected) 15.05.2024 and 15.09.2024. The project or project section applied for must be fully implemented within this period.
14. A complete where-used list must be submitted no later than one month after the end of the respective appropriation period.
15. Within the framework of the residency grant, the Fonds supports projects in the field of the independent performing arts at a level of €9,000.
16. A prerequisite for residency grants is the existence of a balanced cost and financing plan.
17. Personnel expenses are only eligible for funding for project participants listed in the application in accordance with the General Auxiliary Provisions for Project Funding (ANBest-P).
18. VAT deductible in accordance with Paragraph 15 of Germany’s Value Added Tax Act (UStG) is not eligible for funding. Ongoing non-project-related personnel expenses are also excluded.
19. Co-financing with additional funds is excluded.
20. Applications from individual artists are not permitted.
21. Funding is excluded if the project applied for has already commenced before funding is approved, i.e., if expenditures have already been incurred or contracts have already been concluded.
22. A project may only be applied for in one of the funding programs of the Fonds Darstellende Künste; parallel applications are not permitted. A project that has been rejected may not be reapplied for to the Fonds Darstellende Künste.
23. Applicants may only apply for one project in one funding round of the residency grant program. Artists can only participate in one grant-supported residency project per year.
These regulations apply from 15.12.2023 and are subject to change.
Berlin, 15.12.2023
Fonds Darstellende Künste e.V.
Board of Directors and Management