Network funding

Supporting nationwide networks for production and performance venues, long-standing successful associations and festivals means strengthening cross-regional and interdisciplinary dialogue. With its network funding, the Fonds Darstellende Künste enables cooperation projects between the diverse actors and structures in the independent performing arts.

The aim of the program is to achieve and expand the nationwide exchange within the independent performing arts on socially and artistically relevant occasions and topics, for the transfer of professional knowledge as well as for debates and orientation on topics of transformation.

What is funded?

Cooperation projects spanning several federal states in the field of knowledge transfer and professional qualification in the independent performing arts that include at least one discussion event, symposium, conference or another major information event for further education or the specialist exchange of ideas of nationwide relevance.

Artistic productions and guest performances or other artistic supporting programs are not eligible for funding.

Who can apply?

Long-standing associations, networks, production companies and nationally renowned festivals of the independent performing arts that are organized as a legal entity and that are cooperating on the project applied for with at least one other institution from the independent performing arts that is also organized as a legal entity and is based in another federal state.

Individuals and private partnerships are not eligible to apply.

How much can be applied for?

€15,000 - €50,000

Proof of approved co-financing from public funds (state and/or municipality) amounting to at least 50% of the amount applied for to the Fonds must be provided for the project applied for at the time of application.

Application and funding deadlines

Applications to the Fonds Darstellende Künste will be submitted exclusively online.

Application deadline(s):

The possible project period for approved applications begins with the positive funding approval and ends on 31.07.2026. A complete where-used list must be submitted by 30.09.2026.

For all further information, please read the regulations before submitting your application or before calling the office of the Fonds Darstellende Künste for advice. The FAQs provide further assistance. We strive to make the application process accessible and barrier-free. Please contact to arrange individual advice.   


All the important documents are available in the Forms section.


The jury in the network funding program is composed of members of the Fonds’ board of trustees. An overview of the members of the board of trustees can be found here.